Tuesday, October 21, 2014


This is Delsaran. She is one of many Earth Elemental Ambassadors. She is also a druid from a near island named  the Stresyhm Holm. Stresyhm Holm is a place for all types of druid/elf breed's to share their beliefs and magic throughout the island. The druid/elf breed's are becoming extinct because of the blood that courses through their veins. Their blood is pure mana which makes them super powerful.

Saturday, August 16, 2014


The Scallemander is one of the most ancient creatures in the game. It is one of three bosses you get to choose when your on quest #1. Choosing which boss to fight on the first quest will determine which element you are most bind to. Here is a list of bosses in quest #1: Scallemander-Earth

When water, fire, or earth become most bind to you, it doesn't mean that it's your main element.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Elemental Ambassadors

Elemental Ambassadors

Elemental Ambassadors are characters who have proved themselves to an element. Each element has two ambassadors. By the end of Chapter 2 we find out that Marjeet and Sarah are the ambassadors of the element Fire. We also learn that Caia is the first ambassador of the element Air. Caia was crowned Air ambassador because she has a background of massive healing powers and healed the Primes during the last war in Chapter 2. Sarah was never meant to be an ambassador of Fire. The only reason she is one is because she destroyed Eric. Marjeet is an ambassador of Fire by force because Sarah turned him into a fiery golem after being in a dying state.

Caia Portrait

Caia: Air

Monday, July 7, 2014

The Four Main Elements

These are the Four Main Elements of the world. They stand on platforms that can move at anytime. If one element is unbalanced, then the elements next to it will also become unbalanced. It is important to keep all aligned in their correct order. Air=North, Earth=West, Fire=South, and Water=East. All the other elements such as Energy, Darkness, Light, and Ice are in their own platforms far from the four main elements. The other elements add factors into the four main elements.

Saturday, June 28, 2014


Her full name is Demonica Grime, but the present day people know her as Lilith. She was the first born in the Grime family. Her parents left her and her brother Demetre alone in the slums of the Underworld. She is 2,000 years before present day. Demonica changed her name to Lilith because the Underworld's King and Queen died after a giant world war and were looking for a new set of royalty. The King and Queen's daughter was named Lilith and Lilith was the heir to the throne. Thats when Demonica disguised herself as Lilith. She traveled through time to kill her parents for what they did, but found herself in a strange place....The Gates of Hell, also known as The Lava Passage. Due to her age she has more power than  anybody could ever imagine. Demonica took the throne from Sarah and summoned her brother Demetre. Using the Death Prime as there royal pet, they made him seek out her parents.

The rest of her storyline is still being worked on.

Friday, June 27, 2014


Candie is the strongest Alchemist in the entire world. So strong that she can raise people from the dead. There are 3 specific types of Alchemist, Life, Defense, and Vegetation. Candie has mastered all 3 skills, which makes her basically immortal. She used to be a Vegetation Alchemist when she was little. She practiced on a near island off the coast of Tentaluss's Lair. She knew her potential and the island shows it.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Here is a list of characters, Creatures, and Locations I am going to recreate.

Old characters:
-Earth Dragon Prime
-Death Dragon Prime
-Wind Dragon Prime
-Desert Dragon Prime
-Water Dragon Prime
-Lava Dragon Prime

New Characters:

-Magma Rock
-Chaos Generals
-Undead Army
-Death Gloom
-Trash Fiends
-Ice Grunts
-Chaos Creatures

-Desert Temple
-Kalestri's Marsh
-Ice City Polaris
-Crystal Caves
-Ice Volcano
-Ever Tree/Forest
-Tentaluss's Lair
-Eric/Sarah's Palace
-Cloud Kingdom
-The Gloom

Monday, June 23, 2014


As you can see this character has changed the most, his name is Lloyd. Before Lloyd entered the life of all knights, he used to be the scum of all people. Lloyd would steal coins, armor, and even seaweed. Though the love of his life (Vallery) changed him in ways he thought he would never see. Vallery was corrupted by the Crystomancer. Lloyd stumbled upon the crystal caves and saw Vallery. The Crystomancer gouged Lloyd's heart out. Vallery's crystals swarmed into Lloyd's heart. Thus creating the Lloyd he is today.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Magma Rock

This is the creature that killed Sarah. There is only one of them in the whole game.


This characters name is Heather. Heather is the only character to transfer herself into another form. Her power is shape-shifting. When she was little she could already turn objects into different objects. Her powers were lost due to her transformation to a mermaid. Heather's love, Chris died after saving Candie from the lair of Tentaluss. She doesn't want to be in another relationship, which put her in a depressive state. Heather secludes herself from all the other characters. She guards the crystal caves that are underwater.


Here is another character named Sarah. She used to be an assassin along side Marjeet. While she was on a mission with Marjeet they fought a lava creature. Sarah gave her life for Marjeet because she didn't want to see him die. After Marjeet killed the creature he watched her die. He brought her to the Prime dragons to heal her, nothing was working. suddenly the Lava Prime dragon obliterated the Everlasting Forest and took Sarah with him. Sarah has the ability to steal life from dragons and thats exactly what she did. The Lava Prime was dead, but her power made her thirst for more. After months of searching, she was found by Eric. Eric manipulated her to rule the Inferno with him. Sarah is now the Empress of the Inferno.


Here is another original character of mine, Eric. Eric is the Lord of the Inferno. The Inferno is another name for hell. His purpose is to rule the world through his mistress Sarah.


This characters name is Marjeet, one of the main characters for a future game. I made him a while back and decided I wanted to recreate him. Marjeet used to be an assassin, but now he is the leader of a group named the Anubis. The Anubis fight against all evil. Marjeet's main purpose is to find his only love Sarah.